Hon.-Prof. Dr. Peter Gloor Seminar für Wirtschaftsinformatik und Informationsmanagement
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Peter Gloor explores how humans, animals, and plants communicate, collaborate, and innovate, leveraging the latest breakthroughs of AI and social network analysis. He is a member of the Collaborative Innovation Network GalaxyLabs, and Chief Creative Officer and Co-Founder of software startups galaxyadvisors AG and Fauna-AI GmbH.
He is also an Honorary Professor at University of Cologne, where he has been teaching the COINs (Collaborative Innovation Networks) Seminar since 2005.
From 2002 to April 2024 he was a Research Scientist at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence, where he developed foundational concepts and technologies on COINs, using AI to improve collaborative innovation, wellbeing and happiness. He also was an early pioneer using AI to support human-animal communication (dogs, horses, cows, cats), and measuring human-plant interaction and wellbeing using sensors. During that time, he has also been a visiting professor at many universities around the world (Aalto Helsinki, U. Cattolica Santiago, UCAS Beijing, U. Pisa, U. Tor Vergata Rome, U. Bamberg, FHNW, HSLU).
Before 2002 he was European Head of e-business at Deloitte Consulting, a Partner with PwC, and section leader software engineering at UBS. He was a Post-Doc at the MIT Lab for Computer Science, and has a PhD in computer science from University of Zurich.
Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=L4CxNO8AAAAJ&hl=en
- He has written 6 books, most recently “Swarm Creativity: Competitive Advantage through Collaborative Innovation Networks” (Oxford University Press, 2005), “Coolhunting: Chasing Down the Next Big Thing” (with Scott Cooper) (AMACOM, 2007), and “Coolfarming: Turn Your Great Idea into the Next Big Thing”, (AMACOM 2010) and over 200 scientific publications.
- http://www.ickn.org/publications.html